Top job interview materials

1. Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers
Word-for-Word Job Interview Answers to Use To Get Hired, Download 177 Proven Answers to Job Interview Questions...

2. Killer Interview Secrets E-book
This ebook includes top 10 secrets that help you will every job interview...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nailing an Interview to Build a Career - The Top 4 Do's and Don'ts

#1 Don't: Whatever you do, don't go into the interview unprepared.
Do: The internet provides almost limitless portals into what a corporation is all about. Go in knowing what the company's mission statement is. Have an idea of how they have performed in the last few years. Get a basic understanding of their products or services. Know the five key points: Who, What, Where, When and How. Give it that hour or two of research and you will at least provide enough meaningful discourse to hold their attention.

#2 Don't: Don't let fear get the better of you. There is simply no replacement for practice makes perfect. If you're having a very hard time, hire a job coach to walk you through the typical (and not-so-typical) interview questions. Knowing your story and background, the job coach can actually help you script a few great answers. At the very least, you will be able to access a few key lines about your unique skill set and why you would be the perfect fit for any team. I will say that some great coaches are very affordable, and it's the best investment you can make. But if it's simply beyond your means, pick up a book and ask your closest friend or colleague to role play with you. The more prepared you are, the less opportunity for nerves to get the better of you.

#3 Don't: Don't overlook the basics. Do show up ten minutes early (remember, earlier is eager, later is risky). Do wear a traditional, crisp outfit to the interview - you can add just a splash of style with a brightly colored scarf or a jazzier pair of shoes - but remember, they should remember you for your TALENT, not your feathered boa or your jade hoop earrings.
Do LISTEN more than you speak. You want to answer their questions, not run for office. And don't forget the MOST important basic, send a thank you note after the interview - both by email and in a card through the mail. It helps the team in question to remember a few days later in their hiring process.

#4 Don't: Don't EVER criticize an old employer. Criticizing prior employers or speaking ill of managers or teams speaks to a person's sense of loyalty AND confidentiality. It doesn't matter if your last boss was a tyrant, you MUST remain respectful at all times.
Do: Do simply respond to questions with polite non-specifics, such as, "I had really gone as far in that company as possible."
My final tip to you all is simply a DO. Do bring your professional references with you. (No, your mother-in-law and your best friend from college don't count - keep it business oriented.) If you have one or two brief testimonial letters, that would be a great addition to the file of references you hand over at the end. Make sure that your references know that you're using them. And remember, if you don't want your current employer to know you're looking, DO NOT use them as a reference.

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Top job interview materials

1. Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers
Word-for-Word Job Interview Answers to Use To Get Hired, Download 177 Proven Answers to Job Interview Questions...

2. Killer Interview Secrets E-book
This ebook includes top 10 secrets that help you will every job interview...

3. Free ebook: 75 interview questions and answers
This ebook includes: 75 interview questions and answers, types of job interview questions and how to face them, interview tips...

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